7 June 2011

Pink Father Christmas!

Last Christmas I wanted to do something special for The Tiddlers in the way of advent calendars, and saw just the thing in a book by Sandra Lounsbury-Foose.  She really does come up with spectacular ideas with very clear templates that are so achievable.  Anyway as I needed 50 for the calendars I decided to make one up on the computer to which I could add the numbers and make in different colours (Beth has to have a pink Father Christmas - of course!!).  They printed out really well, but did take a while to cut out.  I  have since got a Craft Robo which would have made life so much easier.  Each of the Father Christmases has moving arms and legs and had a sweetie stuck inside with a glue dot for easy removal and we hung them up with little pegs (well out of the way for safety.  25 chockies all at once is not good for the system we have discovered!)

Beth's had to be pink - of course!

Good old Ben goes with the traditional

Branching out

Having had a fair bit of success with the bells, I've now started to branch out into other crocheted items.  The fans turned out particularly well and have been requested by friends for bridal good luck gifts.  Again I had a few hours of brain twisting to get the boxes to fit and look professional.  I've had several attempts that looked good but either didn't stay together for very long, (see picture) or didn't stay shut properly, but eventually I hit gold and am so pleased with the final product.